Friday, August 29, 2014

Tips to Stay Organized while Planning a Wedding

Every bride agrees that planning a wedding can be a very stressful experience. They work hard to sort out every last detail, but no matter what, something will always slip through the cracks. There are just too many plates in the air and if a bride isn’t organized, the unexpected is always certain to rear its ugly head.

While the stress of planning a wedding cannot be escaped, there are certain things every bride can do to help ease this process. While many brides-to-be are likely muttering “wine” under their breath, the answer to easing the stress of a wedding is organization. Some brides take to this notion naturally, while others need a little guidance. At Chateau Polonez, our team has seen every type of bride and every kind of wedding. With this experience, we have compiled a list of tips to help you stay organized and sane for your special day.

1. Create a Master TO-DO Document: Trust us; this document will be your direct link to sanity. While the list will look long at first, the feeling that comes with crossing off responsibilities will make it all worthwhile. Start with a notepad and pen and write down everything that needs to be done before the wedding. After your list is complete, type it up in a Word document. One way to make this list look less terrifying is to break up the responsibilities by deadline or month. This helps you track the essentials that need to be accomplished right NOW, while you let the other duties wait until it’s appropriate.

2. Add all of important dates to your calendar: This calendar will be your lifeblood. Use this calendar to help you keep track of when invitations need to be sent out, when your caterer needs the final head count, when you need to have decisions finalized, and any other important dates that come to mind. You can use a personal notebook, an online calendar, anything that you know will keep you updated and organized. Some brides will even set alarms on their cell phones. Whatever works, just make sure you keep this calendar up-to-date and check it often.

3. Keep track of your vendors: From the flowers, to the food, to the cake, keeping track of vendors is essential. Whether they’re on your computer or in a wedding planning notebook, make sure you have a detailed list of each of your wedding vendors’ names, addresses, telephone numbers, and email addresses. This organization will give you easy access to their information throughout the planning process.

4. Keep all of your wedding-related items in one spot: Whether it’s creating a specific folder in your email, a box in your bedroom, or a notebook that’s crammed with post-its and notes, it’s important to keep all your wedding-related information in one place. When it comes time for your special day, no bride wants to frantically search for their marriage license or the number to the caterer who has yet to arrive. If you keep everything in one central location, you will know exactly where to look and increase your chances of finding what you need.

5. Plan to delegate: When it comes to planning a wedding, no bride is capable of doing everything on her own. A major part of staying on top of planning a wedding is being able to delegate responsibilities. While not every bride will trust her fiancĂ© to take on certain tasks, there are some things they can be trusted with. Along with your partner, friends and family are often eager to help make your special day special. Let them! If there are tasks you can pass along, don’t be afraid to ask. Once you do delegate though, this does require more organization. Keep a list of the things you pass on to others so you don’t lose track of who’s doing what.

When it comes to planning your own wedding, you don’t have to follow these tips perfectly. Everyone knows what works for them, so whether it’s organized chaos or a color-coded calendar, do what works best for you and your planning process. All that matters is you save the extra stress disorganization brings, while getting ready to enjoy your special day. For more information about planning your wedding or for other tips, please contact the knowledgeable team at Chateau Polonez, by calling 281-655-5656 visiting us at

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